"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19

Monday, January 21, 2008

Very Busy Weeks

Snow Angel Lessons! Very Busy!

So sorry I didn't get an update done last week. We have been trying to get caught up on reading and traveling issues, that need to be done, to be ready to go. Last weekend we spoke at First Baptist of Springfield, MO and had a wonderful time with the kids there at their missions progressive dinner. It has been so amazing speaking at the 5 churches and seeing the loving openess for us and our ministry.

Yesterday Aaron was ordained and we were commissioned by our home church, Maywood, in Independence. What an amazing evening it was for both of us. We were able to hear special prayers for each of us from friends and family who love and care about us. There were happy and sad tears all over. We each received a Spanish bible to take with us to the field. However we don't know what it says except for the scripture we have memorized. But we know it will come with language training and time. There was an amazing team of men and women who put on a fabulous reception afterwards. What wonderful taco salads we had! Jeanne Blankenship also made us a wonderful cake and boy was it yummy! It was a bittersweet evening with a mixture of excitement to be going, but saddened by the loved friends and family we will leave behind.

As I sit here on Monday, January 21, I look at the calendar to see we fly out in two weeks from today! Mylee will get an airplane ride for her birthday, February 4. I think we are at a pretty good point at being ready to leave. We received our last item in the mail today of supplies we are neeing to take with us! Praise God it all came on time. We have a very busy two more weeks. But, are so excited to see what God will bring in the coming months as we, together, prepare to take the word of God to Mexico.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from the Woods. How quickly the past year went. As we are down to 3 and a half weeks until we depart for Richmond, VA. We look at that number and realize we have tons to still do and not a lot of time. We've done our dentist and eye appointments and ordered supplies off the internet that we need to take with us. Aaron had Lasik eye surgery yesterday. He went in with 20/300 vision and walked out with 20/30 vision and then was reading at the 20/15 line at the eye doctor today. It is amazing how the technology we have today can do so much. He is truly blessed to have had this done, so as to not be dependant on glasses in a foreign place.

We had a very wonderful Christmas spent with family and New Year's with friends. On the 28th we went to Kaleidoscope at Crown Center for a family session. The girls had a lot of fun and we didn't have such a bad time either. Aaron's last day at work was January 2nd. So we have been trying to get caught up with reading the 3 books we have to read before we leave on the 4th. With that among the other items on our very long list of items to do, our stress level goes a little higher.

This past weekend we spoke at Antioch Baptist Church in Greenville, MO. It is located really close to Sedalia. It was a very good visit with me singing a song special and Aaron and I talking about missions and needing prayer support. We will be traveling to Springfield, MO this weekend to do it all over again. Please pray that we will have a successful trip and gain lots of partners for the ministry of Christ. Be Blessed this new year!