"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Vacation Bible School

What a week we had at Vacation Bible School. It was such a different experience. I signed up to help so that I could get a glimpse into a Latin VBS. I have to say it was pretty much the same as the US. We rotated to 4 stations: crafts, snacks, missions and a teaching time. I helped with the 7-8 year olds. There was one little boy that would not stop running all over the place. We would be having the bible story time and randomly he would get up and run out the door to go to the "bathroom" or just get up to be moving. He would not follow many directions or sit long enough to get any. But on the 4th day I found out he lived in a home for children who have no parents. So that explained a whole lot. On Wednesday I experienced a little bit of the Latin culture when the teacher of the class I was in left to go to the bank with out telling me she was leaving. So after 20 minutes I realized what had happened and didn't have a clue of what to do. Didn't have the schedule given to me before she left. I could feel the stress creeping up my upper back and into my neck. So I tried to keep some order with my broken spanish and one word commands. I ended up just letting them run some energy out in the back lot you will see in the pictures below. By Friday we were all tired. I gave the choice to Mylee if she wanted to go or not and she said she just wanted to go home. So I didn't force her and I also didn't complain because I was pretty tired also. I did start feeling sad we didn't go but at the same time don't know if I would've had the energy or patience to do it. In the end I was very glad we went for the spanish practice and being one step closer to becoming one with the culture.

There are also some pictures of the ballerina princess pajama party we went to of one of the Missionary kids here with us in Costa Rica. The girls had a great time. Speaking of parties we have a big one today for Mylee's 5th birthday. You definetly know you are out of the the US when you plan a Birthday Party on Superbowl Sunday from 4-6pm. OOOOPS! Didn't even realize it until it was booked and the invites were out. We are having a McDonald's playplace birthday. So check back next week for pictures of the big party. Her birthday isn't until Wednesday, February 4th. Please send up a birthday prayer for her this week. See you next week.

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