"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Wow, so sorry it has been over a month since we have posted anything!  I need to get back into the habit from the break we took while in the states.  September was a busy month which included a visit to some of our M's who live about 7 hours away.  We were able to go and see what they have been doing in their area and come along side them in ministry.  We visited them over the Mexico Independence Day weekend so we had a blast celebrating with their people.  Aaron and I both had the opportunity to participate in the Mexican Grito (yell) contest.  You sometimes will hear it done at the beginning of a Spanish song.  We will just say that Brie came in second place and Aaron had fun trying :).  This was also the weekend that two hurricanes collided in Mexico and sent torrential rains all over the southern part of Mexico.  The rainy season has just been unbearable in some parts which resulted in flooding and landslides in the mountains.  So the end of September had Aaron traveling to these areas aiding in Disaster Relief.  Because of your gifts we were able to give food to over 150 families from two different villages. Please pray that the Gospel would continue to penetrate this area, in their time of need; that they would come to Jesus as their Savior.  I have a link below to view some pictures from these two trips.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


What a great couple of weeks we have had here!  Aaron's trip to the greenhouse site was very successful.  He was able to hear the heart of the people there and their vision to see it used for the glory of God.  This excited him so much, to see that everyone involved has the same vision for it, which is very important.  I have uploaded pictures of the greenhouse and you will see that it is in major need of repair.  Aaron has a lot of work ahead of him to get it up and running again.  There are a few other pictures of the girls first day of school and a few new "friends" we have found around our house.  As I am sitting here typing this I am watching a baby lizard crawl across my floor...hope he doesn't find my pant leg!!  Enjoy.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Settled In

Well I didn't exactly get out 2 blogs last month but that was due to the fact that we were without internet until a few days ago.  So let me catch you up.  We have moved into our new home and are settled in.  It is a great feeling not having to live out of suitcases anymore!  The girls are having a great time getting to know a few new friends in our neighborhood, including the furry ones :).  They love it here!  We have also had a chance to meet a few of the kids they will be going to school with, which is putting them more at ease about another new school.

Aaron was able to visit a few villages with the hopes of finding a good area to begin working.  It was a pretty successful trip. I'm sure you will be hearing more about this once we have the details panned out.  He came back so excited to begin.  He has also been asked to preach the next two Sundays at two different churches.  He has been working diligently to get his sermons translated to Spanish.

Below is a link of some pictures we have taken over the past month.  I will warn you, however, there are quite a few pictures of the beautiful volcanoes we live so close to.  I just love them!  Enjoy.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013


What a transition it has been back into Mexico from our year in the states. It hasn't been an issue getting back into the slower lifestyle but it is very different than that of the states. For example, we stopped by McDonalds one day to get a quick something to eat. What would've been a 5 minute stop in the states was about 15 minutes here. As I stood there and watched them move very slowly and laid back, I remember thinking about the last time I was in McDonalds in the states and how fast everyone was moving. It is the difference between the tortoise and the hare. Neither way is wrong...just different. Getting used to the drivers in Mexico has been another thing to get used to again. This is one thing that I do miss from the states: how orderly everyone is and obeying all the traffic laws and signs. But I have gotten back into the swing of driving and fitting right in with everyone else :). As I am writing this, we are waiting for the signed contracts sent by DHL from Mexico City to deliver to the landlord. They were supposed to be here by 10:30am but it is 10:33 so we will see. I have included a link below of pictures of our last couple days in the US and the first couple of weeks in Mexico.  Our teammates arrived to Mexico a few days before us and so we were asked to show them around Puebla.  So we have a few pictures of where we took them.  Hoping to be in our new home when we post the next blog. Enjoy!

(Written by Brie)


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Back in Mexico

It was almost a year ago that we last posted. After being on Stateside for the past year, it is so good to be back "home" in Mexico. We had a great year in the states which included many opportunities to speak at new churches, a family vacation to Disney world and the most exciting news, Aaron graduated from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with his Master of Divinity. We are so proud of Aaron and the hard work he put into his studies. So what is next? We will be making a move back to the area of Puebla, which is the area we started our first term. So our home search will begin tomorrow. Our position has not changed as we will still be working on the Human Needs Team, offering villages Agricultural help where needed. So Aaron will be working out of the city. We are already exploring some different options where we can begin as soon as we are settled. Thank you so much to all who prayed us here safely. It was a wonderful travel day for all of us with no hiccups and ALL of our luggage made it with us. Praise God! We look forward to watching God work through us with you all working right along side of us with your prayers and giving to the Lottie Moon Offering. You can begin checking the blog on a more regular basis as I will try to post about every couple weeks keeping you updated on how you can be praying for us. May your days be blessed!