"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


What a transition it has been back into Mexico from our year in the states. It hasn't been an issue getting back into the slower lifestyle but it is very different than that of the states. For example, we stopped by McDonalds one day to get a quick something to eat. What would've been a 5 minute stop in the states was about 15 minutes here. As I stood there and watched them move very slowly and laid back, I remember thinking about the last time I was in McDonalds in the states and how fast everyone was moving. It is the difference between the tortoise and the hare. Neither way is wrong...just different. Getting used to the drivers in Mexico has been another thing to get used to again. This is one thing that I do miss from the states: how orderly everyone is and obeying all the traffic laws and signs. But I have gotten back into the swing of driving and fitting right in with everyone else :). As I am writing this, we are waiting for the signed contracts sent by DHL from Mexico City to deliver to the landlord. They were supposed to be here by 10:30am but it is 10:33 so we will see. I have included a link below of pictures of our last couple days in the US and the first couple of weeks in Mexico.  Our teammates arrived to Mexico a few days before us and so we were asked to show them around Puebla.  So we have a few pictures of where we took them.  Hoping to be in our new home when we post the next blog. Enjoy!

(Written by Brie)


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