"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Special Meal #3

This special meal was from South Asia and included Tandori Chicken, Naan (bread), curried rice (with raisins), and cucumber salad. It really wasn't that bad of a meal. I didn't really care for the cucumber salad, because I am not a fan of cucumbers. But Aaron, as you can see, is ready for Mexico! He just piled it all in rolled it up and ate it like a burrito. Silly boy, it's Asia, not Mexico!

Click here to see more pics of our meal!

Asia Meal

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Shot Clinic #1

Let me explain this picture before you jump to conclusions. No it doesn't bring me pleasure to inflict pain on my children. But when we went into the room I asked one nurse if we could get a picture of us at the clinic. He said sure. So he was saying look this way...while we were looking, the other nurse comes over next too us, and I was thinking "oh that is nice she wants to make it look more authentic." Then she says to Evie in a play voice "let me see these thighs". Me, still thinking she is playing around, is smiling waiting for the picture to be taken. He takes the picture and Evie screams and I look down to see that she was preparing Evie's leg for the shot the whole time. I couldn't believe it. I felt so bad. Oh well, at least we got a picture. Evie and Mylee both got one shot and Aaron and I each got three. We will repeat this again next Friday the 29th. Praise God there were no reactions from these, so pray we will do just as well or better with the next round!

Click here to see more photos from the past week!

February 2008

Special Meal #1

One of the things we are reqired to do here is eat "Special Meals". So this is the first of 3. This was a dish that is popular in Morocco. I don't remember the Moroccan names for the food so I will explain the meal in my terms. It was small meatballs, a pico de gayo type mixture and bread. So you put it all in one bowl, and eat it with your hands as I am demonstrating. However the other catch is that you can't eat with your left hand because it is unclean. Eating really messy stuff with your hands is actually really fun. You should try it sometime. Especially when everyone is doing the same thing. This meal was actually pretty good. I had seconds on everything!

Special Meal #2

This is the second special meal we have had. This one happens to be a Russian meal. It included Bortsch, Rye Bread, and sour Cream as you can read on the sign behind me. Bortsch is kind of like a stew with meat, potatoes, carrots and striny things we can only guess would be cabbage. We heard that real Bortsch doesn't usually have the meat in it. But they probably require a meat for every meal. There was also a salad type dish with a mixture of Peas, apples, and boiled eggs all mixed up with a salad dressing like cole slaw. Very interesting combonations, huh! The kids are being taught to say "this is interesting" or "this is different". So I will say for this one "this is VERY Differnt". However no seconds for me, thank you!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The First Two Weeks

The first two weeks have led us to have some pretty funny stories to tell. The first one took place last Sunday when we were getting ready for a ceremony and Mylee had been dying to wear her pretty dress to something. So since we were kind of going to a church service I decided to go ahead and let her do this. I went to get her hose out of her drawer to put on as well because in her mind panty hose always goes with a dress. However I got there only to discover I had only brought a pair of red tights with us instead of the white or pink ones to go with her pink and black pretty dress. I knew we were pretty close to Valentine's Day but not close enough to put red tights with her pink dress. So I had to go with the resources I had. We get to the ceremony and we are all sitting on the floor and the girls are just going where ever. About 20 minutes into it I was trying to get Evie under control while I heard the people behind me snickering. So I looked up to find they were trying to not laugh at Mylee pulling up the suntan knee highs I had put on her instead of the red tights to make them thigh highs on her. I could've died!

The second happened today. Our Sunday morning church consists of our small group meeting together to form kind of like a house church. So the girls are just all over the place and making all kinds of noise. But this is very common in Latin America culture so we just let them. We had finally allowed the girls and the two other children (boys age 6 and 8) go into our apartment to play. We were getting ready to pray our last prayer and Evie comes screaming out of the apartment with her arms above her head with some of my pantyliners in her hands. I guess she was having some fun in the bathroom without our supervision. Once again wishing for a hole in the floor to swallow me up.

Stay tuned for more stories and pics from our time at Oriention.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

We made it!

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for your prayers! We arrived Monday, February 4, around 5:30pm, very tired and hungry. We arrived to International Learning Center in Rockville (next to Richmond)around 7pm and was able to get a sandwich and some yogurt for the kids and put them to bed around 8pm. We were then able to get unpacked and finished getting settled on Tuesday with a Walmart run with a friend here with a car! I am finally feeling better and gaining a full voice and received my full hearing today...God is good! I have posted a few pictures for you to see our life here at ILC to let you know we are doing great. We arrived with 70 degree weather but saw it will be down in the 30's this weekend. We are definently seeing that spiritual warfare is very real in our lives. Pray that Satan would be defeated.

We are living in what they call a quad. There is a common room and then 5 apartments off of the common room. We have 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, and an eat in kitchen. We also have a sliding patio door that Aaron says goes out to our backyard. Both of the girls have slept all night and we have both slept very well in our beds as well, which is two twin beds pushed together to make a king size bed. We have never had one of those. The girls are free to go in and out of the apartment and play in the common room for a bigger run around area. Stay tuned for more pics about other areas of ILC and different activities that will take place here at our time in Rockville.

Click here for more photos of our new home:
