"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19

Friday, February 12, 2010

Cell Church Workshop

After looking back through pictures we realized we did not tell you about the Cell Church Workshop that our team held in November for Baptist pastors and lay leaders in Puebla. We asked our co-workers Tommy and Beth Larner in Tijuana to come to Puebla to lead a one day workshop explaining what and how the Cell Church structure works. We had about 75 people show up for this event and we were ecstatic! It began at 8:30am and ended at 4pm. The day included a coffee and tea break around 10:30 and then a quick lunch that consisted of typical Mexican lunch (mole poblano, tortillas, rice, beans, sausage and boiled pig skin).

At the end of the day everyone was asked to fill out a questionnaire about the workshop and what kind of interest they had in partnering with us. We received very good feedback with quite a few pastors and leaders interested in starting cell groups in their churches. Since then we have been busy starting work in the different areas that the Lord has led us to work in. Below are the pictures of the workshop plus some pictures taken from our roof of the four volcanoes that surround Puebla. This is our favorite part of the landscape here in Puebla: Waking up every morning and seeing the magnificent handiwork of God! You will not want to miss these or the few pictures of the girls! Have a great week in the Lord.

Cell Church Workshop and Volcanoes