"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Holiday!

This Friday was the Celebration of the Annexation of Guanacaste from Nicaragua. So we were able to attend an celebration to see some Costa Rican dances, performed by some of the teachers and students. It was a great time to see a little bit more of the Latin America culture and to have a day off (Monday) from school!

We also were able to meet our "little brother and sister" the Gillen's! They flew in late Thursday evening with about 20 other IMB missionaries. It has been fun showing them around Costa Rica and getting them set up in their new home.

This week we discovered Evie knows how to count in Spanish better than in English! But have no fear she will learn it all soon enough! Click below for pictures of the Celebration day and a couple pics of the girls!


Sunday, July 20, 2008

New additions to our home!

This week has been a pretty relaxing week with the excitement of our new rocking chairs arriving! It was a party opening the big boxes and then Aaron putting them together. We are still waiting on our cup holders but otherwise we are enjoying them thoroughly. So it was like Christmas in July for us!

Saturday we went over to the Blackstock's home (sent out by Kansas City Baptist Temple) so the girls could play. Mylee and their oldest daughter Avigail (spelled with a V-but here they pronounce the V like a B) have become good friends. So they were very excited to get to play together. We also had a good time visiting and talking about all our favorite restaurants in Kansas City! It was a great night of fellowship!

We also found out the greatest news ever this week. Hillsong will be coming to San Jose in October! I am so excited as I have missed them the last two times they were in Springfield, Missouri because of pregnancy.

Click on this picture to see the rocking chairs! Be Blessed!

Rocking Chair

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Cultural Day

Cultural Day

This last Friday we attended Cultual Day at our School. It was where the teachers made popular games of Costa Rica and then ended our day with a Tourno. This is a popular tradition in Costa Rica where costumes are made and they dance around with a band. There is even a custom when the crowd tries to aggrivate the people with the costume who has a switch and tries to hit the person messing with him to get him to leave them alone. But it is all done in fun! Click on the picture of the girls above to see some pictures and a couple videos from the whole day and a few extras of the girls! Thanks for visiting our blog.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

July 4th

What a hard week we had as far as language learning goes, but it ended with a bang for us. However, we didn't have a typical 4th of July like we would normally have in the States. There were no fireworks or cook outs and life when on like normal. We didn't have school on the 4th so Aaron and I were able to take a day trip to the town of Sarchi. It is kind of a craft type city where a very popular rocking chair factory is located and where all the colorful ox carts are hand painted. We were also able to visit a wood factory where they make many, many items out of wood. Some of the items were absolutely gorgeous.

We ended up having a bit of our own 4th of July cook out but on the 5th. We had some friends over and grilled hamburgers and hotdogs. Then we had a friendly game of Dutch Bliss (or nertz) to end the evening.

Mylee and I received our first hair cuts since being here. There is another missionary who is finished with Language School who went to cosmotology school in the states. So we set up an appointment with her. What a blessing it was to help out another family but then her being a blessing to us as well. The link above includes pictures of Mylee's new haircut, pictures of the factory we toured of the rocking chairs and our 4th of July meal. May God bless your week!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Saturday Mornings

Not a very exciting week for the Woods. Nothing much happened except school, eat and sleep. But one thing we do every Saturday is we go to the local park and Aaron does some witnessing with David around the park while Ana and I stay with the kids at the play area hoping to strike up some conversation with another parent. This last Saturday some red fire ants were upset with Aaron standing on their hill. So they let him know with a few bites!

Enjoy pictures below from the park as well as some pictures of us opening our first care package that we have received from my cousin Julia in Hawaii! Thanks John, Julia and Joanna! We loved it!

Click here on the picture below.

July 2008