Hello everyone! This is our brand new prayer card we are waiting to receive in the mail. We are so excited to have this to give out to our friends, family and Prayer Partners. A BIG thank you goes to Troy Smith who graciously took our picture and then put the post card together. Be looking for yours in the mail soon, if you have signed up to be a prayer partner. If you are not sure you have done this please click on our profile and then the email link provided. Shoot us an email to be added to this. We would really like to go with all the prayer support we can get.
This past weekend we drove up to God's Mountain in Rushville, Missouri to hang out with our youth. Us and the girls had a blast. The weather wasn't too cold and the girls were really good. We were able to work on a Human Video that I am directing and Aaron is playing the role of God. We will perform this for our youth on January 9 and then in the morning service at Maywood Baptist on January 20. We are hoping this drama will speak to a lot of people. We pray that it will. Aaron was able to play paintball with the youth and some other adults and I played a very violent game of spoons. But so much fun none the less.
It became official on Monday, December 3, when we mailed off our last payment to make us DEBT FREE! We are so excited to have met our goal and look forward to leading other families to experience the same freedom we are feeling right now. For more information you can email us or click on the Dave Ramsey link at the bottom of our page. We are so excited to be good stewards of the funds you provide us through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Don't forget to give this Christmas.
Don't get too busy this Christmas season. Remember the REASON!
1 comment:
Love, love, love the prayer card! Emma put it on the fridge, right at her height, of course, so everytime she walks into the kitchen, she runs over to it. "Mylee and Evie and Aaron and Blay-bree-ghel," she says. Nice. We even prayed for you last night as she was going to bed. If nothing else, Emma will make sure we don't forget about you guys when you're in Mexico! haha
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