"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19

Monday, June 16, 2008

A very blessed week!

What a fortunate week we were able to be a part of. First, Thursday there was a Parents Night Out that was given by a volunteer group from Mississippi. They watched our kiddos among many other children from 5pm to 9pm. With two other couples we went to eat at a barbeque restaurant and then went to see the new Indiana Jones movie-in English! We made it back at 9:00 sharp. It was a much needed night that was exactly what we needed to get away from the stresses of school.

Second, there was a women's retreat put on through the school that was Friday afternoon until Saturday at 5pm. We went to a resort about an hour and a half away. It was a very fun time to get to know some (about 60) of the fellow missionary women who are here studying with me. The pool was absolutely beautiful with a concrete slide (pictures above). It was fun until I went down on my stomach and slammed my hip against the side of it. Then it didn't feel so good. But I will live to tell the story. All the ladies in the above picture are with the IMB except for the lady in the front next to me. The middle picture is of the pool with the dark rain clouds above it. It did rain on us for about 5 minutes while we were in the pool. Fun times! The other picture is of me going down the slide, aiming for the tube...I think I put one leg in that time!

Again this past Sunday we had all but one show up for the bible study. This week I was able to lead a couple songs for the group. It was a very successful bible study. Last week we walked home in the rain. If you could picture the worst down pour in Missouri and then us walking a mile in it to get home, that is what we did. So the picture below is a picture of our soaking wet pants when we got home. All we could do was laugh our way through it. Have a great week!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! You guys got soaked! We have had some severe downpours here in the last few weeks. Lots of flooding and storm damage.
The Lighthouse had to temporarly move because of storm damage. The family looks great. Mylee is getting so tall. I'm always thinking of your family.