No, Evie is not new to our home but the big girl bed she is sleeping in is. We arrived home after our first day of classes and the gentleman that that does all the handyman work on the IMB houses was ready to make the switch of beds, but needless to say I wasn't so ready. Mylee was really easy to switch to a big girl bed. But Evie on the other hand has the word FREEDOM blinking before her eyes. So this week has been sort of a week of struggle getting her to stay in her bed. At one nap time I heard Mylee yelling "Evie get out of my bed"! But she is getting better at it. The reason we took her out of her crib is because we are getting ready to tackle the potty training task. I think she is very ready and will have it down with a little instruction and a few "incentives". Please pray it goes well.
The other new itew we have is a Radio Flyer Wagon. This has been passed to us by another IMB family when they left and when we leave we will pass it on to another family. It has been a fun asset to our home as it brings a few memories of the wagon at Grandma and Grandpa's house that we had to leave behind.

Please pray for Evie as she has just been diagnosed with RAD-Reactive airway disease. During the rainy season (October-January) we were told this is going to get worse before it gets any better. We have started her on 2 weeks of meds hoping this helps her. Please pray her condition will improve and we will not have to resort to a Nebulizer. Thanks for visiting us. Have a great week!
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