"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19

Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy Birthday to Evie

Evie's 3rd Birthday

We arrived in Puebla May 14, 2009 and Evie turned 3 May 15, 2009. I wasn't about to gip her again from having a birthday celebrated in a proper way. So we arrived in Puebla and quickly began to pull things together. We met some other missionaries on the 14th and invited them over and then we invited the 3 children that live next door to the guest house. It was really a spur-of-the-moment party but I think it turned out really well. I even made a cake for it and Sherry made homemade ice cream to go with it. We had a lot of fun that night!

I was telling my parents how different the Walmart experience is here. And they said take some pictures and show us. So I did. I was telling them you park underneath in a parking garage and then take escalators up to the store. The coolest thing however is how the basket wheels have a groove in them to where it sticks to the escalator and won't roll until the end of it. So inventive! Also pretty much everywhere you go you will also see parking attendants that like to help you back out of your parking spot for a peso tip. So that has been pretty hard getting used to. We now keep lots of small change on hand. I should've taken a pic of this, but one day Sherry and I were running errands and were sitting at a stop light in a line of traffic. There are guys who walk up and down the traffic with cleaning fluid to clean your windshield for a tip. So we were sitting there and Sherry was teaching me how to make the NO signal with your finger which is the pointer finger being waved back and forth. Well one of these guys came up and I told him no and he decided I wasn't telling the truth and I really did want it washed. So he started squirting my window and I told him no again. Then he hopped up onto my bumper to reach the rest of the window because our van sits pretty high. Keep in mind Sherry and I both are now telling him no and he is continuing. Then the light turned green and we were still sitting there because I couldn't drive with a guy standing on my bumper. Then of course the honking from other cars started. Finally he jumped down and even if I did want to give him a tip there was no time. Sometimes it could be helpful if you have a dirty windshield but this time it was just plain annoying. Oh well you have to give the guy credit for trying to make a living. Enjoy the pics!

1 comment:

The Byrd's Nest said...

Happy Birthday! I think it looked like a great party....next year just think of how many friends they will have made.